Are you moving forward or do you feel like you are stagnating at work? Not all jobs are created equal, and sometimes a job is just a way to pay the bills, however, if you have a continual feeling that you are stuck, maybe it is time to shake things up?
Get a New Job
Is it time for a new job? Only you can answer that question. Have a look and see if it is time to move on. You could list the pros and cons of your current job to see the best way forward for you. Leaving a job isn’t always the best option; it is sometimes possible to turn your current job around. Have a look and see if there is room to move forward in your current job. However, if the cons outweigh the pros, be honest with yourself and look at what you can do to change roles.
Train and Develop
Training is a great way to develop and learn new skills. Does your company offer training that could help you develop yourself? I recommend taking advantage of all the training and development your job offers. It is a great way to move forward personally and professionally and shows that you are proactive and always looking for ways to develop yourself.
If your company doesn’t offer the training you want (or to complement your professional development), there is the option of arranging training in your own time. I trained to be a Life Coach in my spare time and it led to a complete change in career. Local colleges usually offer a variety of courses and you can teach yourself most things online.
Ask for a Promotion or Different Role
If you don’t ask, you don’t get! I know it can be difficult to put yourself out there and ask for what you want, but if that is the case, you need to learn how to do it. Bosses are not mind readers and may not know what you would like to do. Is it time to ask for a promotion or for more responsibility? Maybe you would like a change of role? Let your manager know. Being proactive and managing your own development are admirable qualities.
Shake Things Up
Stagnation often creeps up on us with little warning. We get stuck in a rut and start doing things the same way every day, without even thinking about it. Have a look around at work and see where you can shake things up for yourself. Small changes like socializing with your team more or deciding to be more assertive can have a big impact on your enjoyment and success at work. Use your appraisal times to map where you want to go and how you would like to develop to put these thoughts into action.
Familiarity can be comforting but if in your heart you know that you need to move things forward at work, its time for a change. Change can be scary and even daunting, but taking one step in a new direction can herald the start of a new path. Notice thoughts that hold you back and start developing confidence in yourself. Focus on your strengths and keep putting one foot in front of the other. It is worth it, I promise!
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